Fictional horror stories to help victims living real-life horror stories

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog, Fundraiser

We would like to thank Steve Dillon and all contributors to The Refugee Collection fundraiser. Steven generously offered to fundraise for Sanctuary and have so far they have raised a fantastic amount of $1,065 through online sales and $250 from an auction. This money will go towards providing an interest-free airfare loan to assist a Syrian refugee family to be … Read More

Rwandan Refugee Testimonial

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog, Refugee Stories

To: Sanctuary Australia Foundation We fondly remember all the great support Sanctuary has given me and my family. Without your humanitarian assistance we wouldn’t be here. Each year on February 23rd, we remember and celebrate our move from South Africa and our landing on the safe land of Australia. It was a great miracle for us to be able to get … Read More

Syrian refugee family safe at last!

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog

We haven’t issued a Supporter Bulletin for a few months now.  Much of our time and attention has been focused on the welfare of refugees, sponsorship and providing support, and alas, reporting back to you, our supporters, had to take a back seat. The Syrian family (photo above) whom we provided an interest-free airfare loan for has arrived safely in … Read More

A Burundian Refugee's Story

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog, Refugee Stories

I am Joseph B., a Burundian man who fled from Burundi to Ethiopia due to severe persecution. I stayed in Ethiopia as a recognised refugee from February 2007 until August 2012, after which I was resettled in Australia. I have repeatedly faced serious risks to my physical safety since August 2007. I was attacked by a group of criminals, stabbed with a … Read More

Truck donated by Geoff King Motors

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog

We wish to thank Geoff King for his support for Sanctuary’s humanitarian work, with the wonderful donation of a used Holden Rodeo truck. This will be enormously helpful in our ongoing work supporting refugees. SAF is seeking a donation of a storage facility, where donated goods can be warehoused. Geoff King’s website can be found here:

Sanctuary Founders honoured to receive the Order of Australia Medal

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog

Sue and Peter Hallam are honoured to receive the Order of Australia Medal for their work with refugees over 22 years, and would like to recognise the kindness and generosity of many in the wider Sanctuary community in welcoming and helping those who have lost so much as victims of war.