please help us Make a difference to the lives of those affected by conflict.
Please help refugees who have lost so much by making a Tax-Deductible Donation to Sanctuary Australia Foundation Inc.
Our Key Areas of Support:
Sanctuary School Aid Program – This program assists refugee students in Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe with basic school fees, enabling them to have an education, which is not accessible without payment. We occasionally provide support for books, school uniforms, medication, medical emergencies and food.
Sanctuary Travel Loan Program – Sanctuary provides interest-free travel loans to sponsored refugee families once they are finally approved for a visa under the governments Special Humanitarian Program, and books their travel to Australia. These loans are gradually repaid over 2 years and this money is then re-cycled to help other families to be reunited. It has an excellent repayment record and every dollar donated is used over and over again!
Refugee Advice and Support Program – Sanctuary continues to provide practical advice in many areas of need facing new arrivals. These include small-business start up, education, employment and legal, both online/by phone and through their face-to-face service. Also advice on many everyday issues such as understanding leases, power bills, insurance and car purchase, health and dental care, Centrelink etc.
Sanctuary Australia Foundation is a multi-award winning, independent registered charity and has supported refugees from many war-torn areas of the world for over thirty years. It continues to welcome refugees of all backgrounds, and provide them with much-needed support to help them to feel at home in their new community.
Sanctuary Australia Foundation Inc. is an Australian registered charity with tax-deductible gift recipient status.
PLEASE HELP! We will keep you informed about how your donation is used. THANK YOU.