We haven’t issued a Supporter Bulletin for a few months now. Much of our time and attention has been focused on the welfare of refugees, sponsorship and providing support, and alas, reporting back to you, our supporters, had to take a back seat.
The Syrian family (photo above) whom we provided an interest-free airfare loan for has arrived safely in Sydney, with the youngest child being just 2 years old. It was a terrifying ordeal getting out of Yarmouk danger zone, where thousands of people have been struggling to have enough to eat and to stay out of harms way. Thanks to our donors we were able to provide an interest-free airfare loan to bring this family to safety. They are now safe in Sydney with their relatives but many refugees from Syria are contacting us daily asking for sponsorship and assistance, sending pictures of the devastation that they have left behind.
Settlement Support
Sanctuary has been busy assisting Congolese and Togolese refugee families locally, particularly women, facing challenges after resettlement in Australia due to marriage break ups and being left homeless. SAF has been working with these families, looking for housing, working with referrals from a local doctor, legal aid and referring cases to STARTTS (NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma). While many families settle into their new lives in Australia very well, inevitably issues will arise that require very personalised assistance.Learn more about our programs
Fundraising to assist refugees can be rewarding, especially when combined with activities that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be a ton of work and can be as simple as getting a bunch of friends together for a party with a door entry fee going to Sanctuary’s work. If you are part of a school perhaps you would consider having a casual clothes day with a gold coin donation on behalf of Sanctuary. Other event ideas include having a sausage sizzle, a donation in lieu of presents on your birthday, a sports sponsorship, a dinner party or trivia night. We can issue tax-deductible receipts to those who donate.
What we do
Sanctuary provides 202 humanitarian visa sponsorship and interest-free travel loans for Government approved refugees fleeing war, to be resettled in Australia. Once inside Australia, Sanctuary assists with resettlement when appropriate. Travel loans are repaid slowly over time and then this money is used to help other families to come to Australia.
We are still looking for…
Sanctuary Australia Foundation is still looking for an office in Coffs Harbour at a heavily reduced rent. If you are aware of any such premises in Coffs Harbour, please send an email to: safoundation[at]westnet.com.au