To: Sanctuary Australia Foundation
We fondly remember all the great support Sanctuary has given me and my family. Without your humanitarian assistance we wouldn’t be here.
Each year on February 23rd, we remember and celebrate our move from South Africa and our landing on the safe land of Australia. It was a great miracle for us to be able to get out of South Africa. We have been living in South Africa as refugees for ten years but our life hasn’t always been that easy. We have been subject to different forms of persecution, including police harassment, denial of documentation for our children who were born in South Africa, xenophobic practices, etc.
Facing all these challenges we always wanted to leave the country through resettlement but this was like a dream. As you might remember we come across your contacts and asked you to be our sponsors for our resettlement application. You agreed to support us by paying air tickets and assisting us to settle once we arrived in Australia.That was a miraculous breakthrough for us. With your help we were able to be granted a humanitarian visa and get safe sanctuary here in Australia.
Upon our arrival in Australia we landed into the hands of Sanctuary Australia Foundation’s members who provided all the necessary services to help us settle into the Australian community. You really made us feel at home. Since that time our life has significantly changed. We feel safe, our children attend schools and we got Australian citizenship. My wife was able to go to school and get qualifications that led to her permanent job. I was also able to complete my PhD studies and other professional qualifications that enabled me to secure full-time employment.
We are exceedingly thankful to Sanctuary’s humanitarian work that has changed our lives.
*Name and some personal details withheld for privacy and security reasons at the request of the author.
*Photo courtesy of Africa Check: Africa Check a non-partisan organisation which promotes accuracy in public debate and the media.