Sanctuary collects the following information from its website and from donation or purchase forms:

  • Your name and contact details including phone number and email if provided.
  • Your credit card details are collected and stored securely with when a donation is made online and not on our website platform.
  • We may securely store personal information such as your income, gender and areas of interest.
  • we may use the information provided to contact you to ask for your support from time to time.
  • we may send you newsletters and email newsletters, unless you opt out of our mailing list.
  • to develop cost-effective marketing plans
  • to process donations and provide receipts

How this information is used:

We will not alter your information unless it is requested by you. You have the right to request a copy of your records if you so wish.
We do monitor how many visitors we have to our website and thus receive information regarding the type of browser visitors use, their operating system and the country they are in.

We will not provide or sell your information to third party organisations.