Peter Hallam, CEO, Sanctuary Co-Founder, OAM

Peter Hallam, CEO and Founder of Sanctuary has worked with refugees for over 30 years, starting his work in Canada where he gained his training and experience in refugee settlement. Peter brings a managerial background to Sanctuary and has owned and run three successful businesses in Alberta, Canada with a large team of employees.

Lani Carmody, Treasurer

Lani has been motivated to take a more proactive role in supporting others to take advantage of their opportunities by observing the conditions in which many of the world’s people live overseas. She has volunteered in Thailand working with the victims of the HIV AIDS virus & in Papua New Guinea focusing on ophthalmology. She holds qualifications in Training & Small Business Management.

Margaret Bell, Secretary

Margaret is a former Commonwealth Public Servant who, since her retirement, has been a volunteer with Sanctuary Australia Foundation (SAF). She spent many years in the Department of Social Security & Centrelink reviewing disputed decisions where she developed her knowledge of social security law and a keen sense of social justice.

Margaret assisted in the SAF office for 2 years with general administration, reception duties and helping refugees to complete their migration paperwork. She continues to assist by visiting refugee families in their homes to help with English and integration into the community.

Margaret has a Welfare Work Certificate qualification.

Mark Hallam, Office Manager and Board Member

Mark Hallam has been working with Sanctuary Australia Foundation since 2006. He holds a BA of Arts in Multimedia and has worked previously in information technology and as a teacher in Japan. He has been responsible for strategic direction, fundraising, marketing and communications.

Michele Matthews-Potter, Board Member

Australian born, Michele has spent most of her working life based in the UK with 2 overseas contracts with aid organisations through the British Government. She has Worked in Vanuatu for 5 years as an Administration Officer which included training locals. In Uganda, she worked for 7 years as a Systems and Computing Manager. She has also worked as a volunteer in Sri Lanka since the tsunami in 2005. She has been involved with sustainable work with women’s groups amongst many other aspects of aid work in a developing country – self funded. She has a Community Development Certificate and has spent most of her adult life travelling and living in other countries.