Sanctuary Sponsorship Program
Peter Hallam working with a client formerly from Sudan.

Caring and supportive face-to-face services are available in our Coffs Harbour office during working hours (see our contact us page for hours) and by phone and via the Internet.

Our service provides humanitarian entrants already in Australia with advice and support in regards to the following:

  • Referrals to migration legal advisors and assistance with paperwork.
  • Assistance with finding work, including advice on avenues of furthering education, including learning workplace English and introductions to potential employers.
  • Business start-up advice and support
  • Interpreter and document translation referral and advice
Hau and his family reunited again with sponsorship help from Sanctuary.
Hau and his family reunited again with sponsorship help from Sanctuary.

The need for an advisory service which covers all of the areas mentioned above is great because often refugees lack the information, guidance, and assistance that they need to allow them to become independent citizens, quickly and confidently. Many refugees who enter Australia each year have suffered severe psychological trauma, and are in need of intense and ongoing assistance over an extended period of time, to help in their adjustment to a new society.

It takes time to adjust to their new environment here, and due to a lack of local knowledge, problems can occur through misunderstanding. By providing a service that addresses these issues, refugees will be more self-empowered and better able to handle difficulties. The Australian community will benefit, through having happier, well-adjusted and more self-reliant members of the community.

One of the benefits is that many refugees are eager to help other new arrivals when they themselves have full understanding of the relevant processes and help available.

Sanctuary has over 30 years of direct experience working in all aspects of refugee assistance, settlement and education, as well as giving individual mentoring and working in an advisory capacity to other agencies on refugee issues.