“Our thanks to Sanctuary is not only because they saved our lives but also for giving us new hope and a great future to our kids. Keep up the good work and I will also keep supporting you as much I can, because I believe that Sanctuary Australia is making a difference…”
Shabani & Loi, ex-refugees from the Congo.
Why should you include Sanctuary in your will?
By leaving a bequest for Sanctuary Australia Foundation in your Will, you will be providing a way for Sanctuary to help increasingly more families. Your money will not be used once and then lost forever. Due to our revolving airfare loan scheme, the money will be recycled to help more families.
How to include Sanctuary in your will
In order to ensure that you have written a valid Will we suggest that you talk with your solicitor. If you already have an existing Will, a simple document called a Codicil allows additional instructions to be carried out by your executor(s). An executor is a person that you delegate to look after your affairs.
For your will to be valid it must be witnessed in the same pen by two adult people of sound mind who are NOT beneficiaries or spouses of beneficiaries. Ensure that the witness also prints their name and address.
Making a Bequest to the Sanctuary Australia Foundation
There are many options open to you when considering leaving a bequest to Sanctuary Australia Foundation. They are as follows:
* You may leave a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate, or an asset (i.e. Property and shares).
* Leave all, or a percentage of the residue of your estate, after other specific legacies have been fulfilled.
* Provide all or a share of your estate in the event that some of the principle beneficiaries do not survive you.
Our suggested wording for a bequest benefiting Sanctuary Australia Foundation is:
I give, devise and bequeth the sum of (The actual amount should be written in this space. The amount should also be shown in figures) to Sanctuary Australia Foundation (Coffs Harbour, NSW) for its general purposes or for other purposes specified.”
Once you make a bequest you will become a stakeholder in the work of Sanctuary Australia Foundation.
We will create a fund in your name (if you so choose) and you and/or your family will be remembered for your philanthropic contribution to poor and suffering refugees.
Your contribution will be able to continue to spread and grow beyond your lifetime, and many lives will be changed forever by your kindness.