“I am a strong supporter of the principles of the Sanctuary Australia Foundation, especially assisting approved refugees with interest-free travel loans. This helps them to get on their feet in Australia and achieve a successful new life.”

Dick Smith, AO, founder of Dick Smith Electronics and Sanctuary donor.

Sanctuary Australia Foundation is well respected in many communities for its work with refugees. Through our network of groups across Australia, we are able to create a greater geographic spread with consideration to local resources and the humanitarian entrants needs.

Ways to make a difference

There are a number of ways that businesses can support us to make a difference to the lives of refugees such as:

  1. Make a donation or set up workplace giving to support our Advice and Support and Interest-Free Airfare Loans programs.
  2. Donate items that you think could be useful to refugees or for our work.
  3. Involve your customers. You could offer to donate part of your customer’s payment for a service to you (i.e. one dollar of hotel rooms total cost could be donated to Sanctuary).
  4. Offer to get involved with Sanctuary in a voluntary capacity.
  5. Offer work internship places for refugees to show that you are an employer that embraces diversity. Sanctuary has already had great success with placements of ex-refugees into work.

If your organisation would like to be involved in making a difference to refugees lives, please contact us.
Sanctuary would like to thank the following organisations for their support:

  • Colliers Charitable Fund
  • Atlassian
  • Harold Mitchell Foundation Logo
  • NSW Government
  • Sticky Tickets Logo
  • Pacific Brands Logo
  • ANZ Trustees logo
  • Microsoft Logo

Schools that support Sanctuary