Sudanese family to be reunited in Adelaide

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog, New Arrival, Refugee Stories

Sudanese family to be reunitedThere was a terrible war in South Sudan in 1983. This was a time of great sadness and fear, my mother and father were killed by the people from the North.

Leaving Sudan for Ethiopia

I ran from South Sudan and eventually found a home in a refugee camp in Ethiopia. I stayed there with my brother and cousin for eleven years. The camp was protected and we felt safe. There was not enough food, however, we had the opportunity to go to school and we loved that.

Going to Australia

My cousin was accepted to enter Australia in 2003. I too filled in the paperwork to follow him to Australia and settled in Australia in 2005. This was my lucky day. I am proud to be an Australian. This country has been amazing to me.

I met Rebecca in a refugee camp. She was taller than me, she spoke so nicely and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was in love and our story together began. I promised Rebecca that I would return and we would be married and then she too would follow me to Australia. That was our dream and my commitment to Rebecca.

I returned in 2007 and we were married. We had a traditional wedding ceremony with dancing, we feasted on goat, bull, beans, rice. This was a very happy time. We had prayers and we had fun. We did not know there would be a long ten year wait for Rebecca to join me in Australia.

My first child was born in 2008. I then rented a place in Kenya for my family away from the camp. I tried hard to save and bring my family to be with me in Australia. These were hard times as I was also supporting my brother and his family in Kenya, who were struggling to survive in tough times. They were my family I had too.

Life in Australia

In 2010, I proudly became an Australian Citizen. In 2012 I achieved my license to drive a car. I felt proud, there is a lot of freedom when you can drive. Also, in the same year I was accepted into TAFE to study Early Childhood, in 2016 I completed my Diploma. This was not easy but I never gave up.

In 2011, I was appointed as and Early Childhood worker at a local Preschool-7 School. I love this job and have been very happy working at the school.

Family reunification

I have been separated from my wife and 3 children for ten years, now finally my family will be joining me.

This is a dream come true!

Many refugees need travel loans to reach Australia within the short visa time allowed. Sanctuary has provided a no-interest loan and this family will be arriving before the end of April.

After 10 long years of waiting, it will be a wonderful day for Mr. Bol and his family. Please help us to support deserving families like this to be reunited in Australia. 

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*Some names have been removed for privacy and security reasons.