Sanctuary recently welcomed a new Chin family of 6 to Coffs Harbour. The Chin are a persecuted Christian minority in Burma, that have suffered terribly at the hands of the Burmese military including arbitrary arrests, torture and mistreatment, forced labour and extrajudicial killings.
The father of the family, escaped from the hands of the Burmese military as they suspected that he was part of the Chin National Front, which he was not. The military arrested his wife and put her in Jail as well and issued an arrest warrant for her husband. He was very afraid and they all had to leave to go to India after she was released.
When they reached Delhi, they faced many problems, such as, financial, health issues and not having enough food to eat. They couldn’t send their children to school. The father had to have an operation for a stomach problem. Their daughter had heart problem and was admitted to LNJP hospital for 1 month. In Delhi they faced a lot of discrimination.
The family was sponsored by Thing, their cousin to come to Australia. They have not seen each other since 2012 and are now finally reunited thanks to an interest-free travel loan from Sanctuary Australia Foundation. We couldn’t do it without your support. Please donate today. Thank you.