Beats Benefit fundraiser

Sanctuary Australia FoundationEvents

Beats Benefit held a fundraiser for Sanctuary’s work with refugees on Friday the 16th of Oct. Their Facebook page can be found here: Beats Benefit Facebook Page

The benefit held at the Sub Club, Flinders Crt., Melbourne CBD and started at 10pm and ended at 4.30am and raised $1040!

All the proceeds from this event will go towards assisting our work with refugees.  Thanks to the organisers, all the artists performing on the night and those attending!

Thanks so much to Beats Benefit and the following artists:

ALLTALK (Sydney) // Close friends, party legends and more importantly top notch selectors. Throwing some wild open air parties and holding down sets at some of the best nightspots in Sydney, these lads embody the resilience of the Sydney scene. You’ll be thanking them for the tasty tuna they drop on the night, so make sure the thanks is in the form of an alcoholic beverage after 3am 😉

6AM AT THE GARAGE // Commentators of all things good in dance music, Liam and Benny have been described as the Beyonce and Jay Z of the bloggersphere. Possessing an arsenal of vinyl weapons that they recently added to on a reconnaissance mission to Japan, the boys know how to throw a party and how to get one moving.

MITTE, PAUL & MAT P // Members of the tastemaker ensemble that is Raw Wax. The musketeers join us again for more revelry and also to celebrate Mat P’s birthday. They have promised to blow out the candle on his cake the only way they know how… with an absolute face-melter of a track.

TOBIAS VOGEL (Sydney) // This wallaby is selflessly chaperoning the ALLTALK boys down to Melbs in his spacious pouch. Thankfully it is like a bloody clown car in there and he has made some space for a lovely collection of rekkids too 🙂

NICOLA SURE // A regular fixture on TRNSMT this top lad is so nice he wouldn’t say a bad word about Chad Kroeger. Expect smiles and uncontrollable feet movements.