Supporting a Cause: How You Can Make a Difference In recent times, Sanctuary has experienced a surge of requests for interest-free travel loans. Once a family member has gone through interviews and medicals overseas, and is finally approved for their visa, family members here often face financial barriers to be able to afford the airfare to get their loved ones … Read More
The pain of family separation for refugees
Isolation is not a novel experience for a refugee. Neither, usually, is family separation. All of my clients have fled conflict and persecution. Many wait anxiously every day for news of their loved one’s visa application. The anxiety is understandable; the partners, siblings and parents of resettled refugees are often in highly precarious situations abroad, and face poverty and discrimination. … Read More
Mentoring into Work
Sanctuary’s Mentor into Work Program has been successful in finding jobs for former refugees in Coffs Harbour. Once refugees have work, they feel more confident and connected with their new community. One example is Hussein from Sinjar, Iraq which came under attack from ISIS in 2014. Close family members were murdered and others kidnapped for ransom. It has been a … Read More
Another refugee family safely here thanks to our kind donors!
Sanctuary Australia Foundation have recently welcomed a Chin family from Myanmar, providing them with an interest-free travel loan for travel from Malaysia to Australia after approval by the Australian government for resettlement. The father of the family was abused by the Myanmar military and had to work as a porter for them carrying military equipment. They were lucky enough to … Read More