If you want to get involved in helping refugees, there are several options open to you:“God bless you and all your Sanctuary colleagues in the outstanding work you are doing….”
Bishop Desmond Tutu, 2006
- Get in contact with us via our contact page and have a chat about how you might like to use your skills and knowledge to assist refugees or work with us in another way.
- Make a secure tax-deductible donation through our givenow.com.au/sanctuaryrefugeefoundation page online or call us on 0266522127 to help to reunite refugees separated by war.
- Hold a fundraiser at your school, church, club or office. It’s as simple as getting a group of people together and making a basic plan. It often doesn’t have to be very elaborate.
- If you belong to an organisation that is about to upgrade their good quality laptops, consider donating them to refugee families in Coffs Harbour.
- Make a purchase of our greeting cards or t-shirts by visiting our online shop.
- Leave a legacy in your will and save refugee lives even after your passing. To find out more on leaving bequests phone (02) 6652 2127.