“I am a programmer and had an IT company, employing 20 people…but almost all are young guys, now in militarily in the war and everything in company is gone.
I and my children sought refuge here in Georgia, and there has been an increasing number of Ukrainian refugees, especially children, reported with anxiety, depression and PTSD.
Because its expensive to see a doctor here, those suffering will lose all hope and it is very sad to see this, especially in the children and teenagers.
We are now working together to do a website, fundraise and set up a clinic to help these children, and hope that Sanctuary can please work with us to start this vital project?”
~Olena, Ukranian refugee
WITH THANKS to friends and supporters, we have now been able to raise money towards the clinic and to pay for the Georgian medical registration of Ukrainian Dr. Margarita, who is keen to help her people. They have now found a place for the clinic, opening soon, and it will be named the Sanctuary Centre!
With your help we can assist these courageous Ukrainian women to run the centre and assist children who have been traumatised by the horror of war as they fled their country.
We aim to raise $5,000 to assist them to keep the Centre running smoothly.
Olena and the group are very grateful and have promised to send a regular monthly update on progress. They are very determined to succeed, and with our help they can do it!
Please donate here: (click to visit) https//:www.givenow.com.au/sanctuaryrefugeefoundation (Please add ‘Clinic Appeal’)