Sanctuary Australia Foundation have recently welcomed a Chin family from Myanmar, providing them with an interest-free travel loan for travel from Malaysia to Australia after approval by the Australian government for resettlement.
The father of the family was abused by the Myanmar military and had to work as a porter for them carrying military equipment. They were lucky enough to escape to Malaysia before coming to Australia where they are joining relatives.
In March 2019, it was estimated by the UNHCR that there are currently more than 18,000 Chin registered with the UNHCR. The vast majority (more than 15,000) living in Malaysia, with smaller numbers in India, Thailand and Nepal.
The UNHCR says they continue to be concerned about the worsening situation in Chin state due to continuing violence and displacement of the Chin population.
As the Chin community continues to grow in Australia, Sanctuary needs the support of our caring and generous donors to enable us to provide an interest-free travel loan for a refugee family like this.
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