The wife and children of Ajith Bol have finally arrived to join him in Adelaide! They met in Kakuma refugee camp, both refugees from the terrible war in S. Sudan, and married. When Ajith received a special humanitarian visa to come to Australia, they had no idea that the process for his family to be reunited with him in Australia would take so long. Ajith was reunited with his wife and children at Adelaide airport thanks to an interest-free airfare loan from Sanctuary.
Ajith recalls the night his family arrived: “We drove back to our new home, it was eleven o’ clock in the night. We were tired, happy and grateful. Rebecca began crying when she saw there was a fridge, she had never had a fridge. She was amazed at our new home. Our family was so happy to see beds, clothes, toys, T.V. and so many more things that had been donated.”
“In ten years I have not lived with my family, except for 2 short visits. My children have a dad now, I am no longer a voice on the phone, we are finally together forever. Life is very amazing now. The children attend school and are excited to learn English and one day attend University, this is our goal, this is part of our Australian dream. There is so much freedom here and we feel safe.”
“Last Friday a close family member was shot dead in Sudan, he had lived with my family and his death hurt us a lot. I was so grateful to have my family here safe and free to drive and walk here they want to, without fear. There is a lot of changes and many adjustments to make, but now we are all together. I am so happy, I no longer worry like I did when my family were in Africa.”
“I appreciate all the support I have received, it is amazing that so many people would help me. I will not forget and neither will my family, how everyone came together to make it possible for us to be happy, to love and live together in Australia.” “I asked my wife “Why cry?”, she replied, “It’s been so long and now we are a family, it’s too amazing!”
If you would like to help families like Ajith’s to be resettled in Australia please help us by donating today.