Re-united with her children after 20 years

Sanctuary Australia FoundationBlog, Refugee Stories

Marcella and MariusAfter 20 years, Marcella was reunited with her children after leaving Sierra Leone due to war. Marcella had fled her home when militias invaded her house looking for her son, so that they could turn him into a child soldier. Luckily her children were at their friend’s house at the time the militia arrived. Unfortunately, this meant that Marcella was separated from her children and unable to find them.

In 2013, she discovered the university they were attending in Nigeria through Facebook (who knew Facebook could be so useful!). Marcella wrote to the University and was finally put in touch with her children. Sanctuary assisted Marcella with the sponsorship process, starting in 2013, including with DNA and medical testing and upon approval by the Australian Immigration department, assisted with an interest-free airfare loan to fly to Australia.

“Sanctuary Australia Foundation are a wonderful team to work with. They were very supportive financially and emotionally. I had not seen my children in 20 years but with Sanctuary’s help, it was much easier and I am grateful. Sanctuary Australia Foundation are the best team in the world – so much love and concern they give out. I am so happy now I am reunited with my children.”
~Marcella Kallon, Nov. 2016

It was an emotional reunification and we believe we’ve made a permanent difference for this family.

Thanks to all our supporters, who helped us to bring this family together again!